Wednesday, February 23, 2011

30 Fun and Fabulous Facts

In celebration of my recent birthday I thought I would change up this week’s blog post and do something a little lighter in tone.

30 things you may or may not know about me (one for each year I’ve been alive!):

1. I have 5 piercing in one ear--3 of which my mom pierced for me. I only wear three of the five.
2. I have a serious fear of heights and don’t actual like roller coasters.
3. One my favorite meals is my dad’s mac-n-cheese (but my mom taught him how to make it!).
4. I talk to Trini as if she is a person and as a result I’m pretty sure it’s made her a very neurotic dog.
5. I have a fixation with being strikingly unique—from my clothes, to my attitude, to my hair style, to my writing style—I blame it on being a twin and always having to share everything (DT and I shared almost everything until we were 21 from friends to jobs to schools).
6. I’m obsessed with reality TV. I have no idea why.
7. I had an atrial septal defect repaired when I was four, and I have a moon shaped scar that spans from under my arm to the other side of my boob. Being a swimmer and wearing tiny little competitive bathing suits people could always see my scar, so I used to make-up stories about how I got it instead of telling the truth.
8. I have another scar on my belly that’s in the perfect shape of an “L” that JT gave me with scissors.
9. I am extremely close with my mom, dad and brothers and talk to them several times a day (I think my parents actually get sick of me calling!).
10. My one real vice is Dt. Coke…ok pop in general. In college JP and I could go through a cube of Pepsi in less than a week (she’s the only person besides JT that I know has the same love affair with pop).
11. I only drink pop with a straw (something I learned from JP!).
12. Sometimes I put on musicals just so I can sing along (a personal favorite is “Suddenly Seymour”).
13. I dated the same guy on and off for over ten years. He was my first boyfriend and at one point I was sure I would marry him. Funny how life works out.
14. I hate dressing up for Halloween but love decorating for it (backwards I know).
15. When I get really, really angry I cry. When other people cry, I cry. But other than that I don't really cry.
16. One of my best friends, J(L)M, and I became friends in first grade when we came to school wearing the exact same outfit right down to the same shoes. Throughout our friendship we have shown up to places in the same outfits without knowning we'd done it. Our friendship has stood strong for over 20 years.
17. I played the piano for 17 years and minored in it in college but I haven’t really played it since I was 26.
18. I love lilacs.
19. My family in Atlanta is very special to me, and we always spend some part of the summer together.
20. When I was little I was sure I would be married by the time I hit 30 and have a child named Anne Elizabeth Suzan Taczak-XXX. Poor child would have had nightmares about her name.
21. I occasionally have a moment of panic where a tiny voice in my head screams “you won’t be able to finish your dissertation.”
22. I love fashion and learned most of what I know from my mom.
23. I once won a push-up contest where I did 115 push-ups (true story ask JP or DT…afterwards I went to a frat party and challenged a guy who was annoying me to a push-up contest and beat him. I truly am no longer that competitive nor can I do that many push-ups).
24. I love shoes, bags, and scarves and own almost 50 pairs of shoes (mostly Steve Madden and Jessica Simpson’s because they are the only shoes that tend to fit me—I have an unusually small foot and even smaller heel), 30 scarves, and 20 bags.
25. When I was sophomore in high school I got a B in English because I sat and unashamedly flirted with the boy behind me instead of paying attention. I never got a B in English again.
26. I go to church every Sunday.
27. I hate it when people mention my height and have a tendency to want to drop kick someone when they mention it. Yeah, I get it. I’m short. Get over it already.
28. Sometimes when I’m angry, frustrated or upset with someone I have vividly detailed conversations with them in my head. One time a person that I was having a “conversation” with came up behind me and could tell something was wrong and that it was directed at her. Now I try and keep those conversations in the shower so my body language doesn’t project what I’m thinking (I’ve been told I can have loud body language).
29. I never read the Harry Potter books but I love all the movies.
30. I believe in standing up for what you believe in even if no one else around agrees with you but I don't believe in arguing with someone who's stupidly putting down your beliefs because that person has already shut out/off anything you would say (think about it...).

I can only hope and pray that my 30s are as entertaining, enlightening, and fabulous as my 20s were!


  1. Having witnessed all of your 30 years first hand, I have comprised a list also. Below are 30 adjectives, one for each of your 30 years.

    Pretty, understanding, flirty, smart, small, talented, attentive, sincere, honest, quirky, focused, loyal, driven, clever, organized, initiator, outgoing, entertaining, studious, sincere, athletic, happy, educated, lovable, caring, accomplished, chatty, busy, detailed, and a CHRISTIAN.

    Proud of you- Your Mama

  2. 10. Ha! That stuff is crack.
    13. Kinda want to hear more about this...
    21. That voice got the best of me. I know you won't let it win! Stay strong, girl!
    27. I have honestly never noticed that you're short.
    28. Me, too! It's such an unhealthy waste of energy, but it seems uncontrollable.

    Hope your fabulous new decade is off to a great start!

  3. You are a really good writer, and have an interesting blog. based from your writing I can imagine your dissertation turning out really well.
